Thursday, November 5, 2009


I really don´t know what i´m going to do at the future, but one of the things i´m interested in is about conservation, i think all people have to aware about what things can we do to take care of our world, so i pick a new about reefs under threat. Global warming is producing this, because carbon levels are increasing, acidity, pollution, algae,bleaching and el niño. I had read that a report from the Australian government says that " the overall outlook for the reef is poor and catastrophic damage to the ecosystem may not be adverted" I think this is worring because a reef includes a lot of differets species of animals and a plants and if this disappears the food chain would be greatdly affected.
Charlie Veron, an Australian marine biologist says that there is no hope of reefs surviving and that if they go they will take with them like one-third of the world´s marine biodiversity. The coral provide the algae with the carbon dioxide they need for photosynthesis and so complete the circle of simbiotic life, so..what are going to do if them dissapear! I was reading too that because of the human impact like the polluted waters and overfishing is enough to wreck coral.

I feel very bad about things like this because them are happening because of our fault, because people doesn´t care about garbage, about recycling, saving energy and avoing further damaging our environment.

we have to aware and make all people aware too!

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