Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My favorite animal: The Goat

I don´t really have a favorite animal so i´m going to choose a animal i like a lot, and it is the Goat.

The Goat is an artidactyl and they are gregarious animals.

I like it a lot because it is very friendly and funny, i like the noise it does, i think it is great because it gives you milk and you also can have cheese of goat.

It is a quiet animal, easy to manage, it can be adapted to many environments since arid regions to warm regions.

Last year i took an elective and i had to work with two littles goats every day, i had to weigh them to saw how was the diary growing, so i learned a lot of this animals, i realize that the goats are very scary because when i took them in my arms they "screamed" a lot, on the other hand if you get close to them with a bit of grass they come to you immediately and them let you caress, that is a thing i like a lot!
A bad thing about goats is that they can cause soil damages with them foots.

Another important thing about goats is that you can found a lot of races within this you can found angora goat this is a funny race because it has a lot of hair, is like a rastafari XD! and it is from Asia, depending on the race is the better or worse production of milk, a very good goat of milk is the saanen goat it is originary from swiss, it is white and some times it can have specks.

So about of all this things i choose the Goat! i really think they are great animals!

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