Sunday, November 22, 2009

Evaluation of my academic year

When i was at school i had a very good academic performance, but i always thought that my school wasn´t the best, because of that when i went to university i didn´t know how would be my performance, and it wasn´t very good, despite i studied a lot for every test and i was very responsible, my first year at university was awful i reprove four subjects and i was very depressed but nevertheless i´ve always been a persistant person so i never stop studying not even a little.

As you progress in university you gain experience, so know i´m in my third year at university, but i´m in second grade because of the subjects i didn´t pass and during this time and in this year mostly i learned how to study the best way, because at university you start studing with different people and you learn a lot doing study group using different methodologies so by this way in some point you find the best methodology for you, and i think this happened to me in 2009.

At first term i approve all my subjects and this makes me very happy because was worth all the effort and was reflected in my notes and to do well is the best incentive to keep studying and to try even harder to achieve your goals.

Another good thing is that i did a subject of third grade so the firts half of the next year would be more quiet i hope XD!

The second term is not endend yet, but for now some subjects has endend i did good at those like population ecology this was a subject it cost me a lot but i was perseverant like always so i did well at this one.

So in conclusion until now i think this was a very good year, i learned so many things, i have subjects i like a lot like farmacology i like this because the teacher is very good she really cares that we learn and apply all things the best possible way and also because of this i had good grades in this.

I also believe that i growth a lot as a person, until now i has my best friends at university and this is very important because if you had a good group of people with you you will feel full so you will be successful.

So like this is the last session i wish all of you the best in your lives! :D



  1. I think there are lots of things that need to be improve at the faculty. The current situation is that if we are talking about infrastructure, the dining place is too small, the food is bad and very expensive, in relation to sporting areas, the locker rooms are terrible, are too small, they look dirty, one of the lights is bad; there are many machines that were donated from other faculty that are saved so it is necessary to implement a gym for these.
    Talking about classrooms many of these are poorly done, there is not enough space for students, is SP dificult to see the board, sometimes you can´t listen to teachers because of heaters are noisy.
    Another thing i think is very bad is that there is a teacher for each subject so if you WW reprove you are late a year inevitably, another thing is that the secretary of education is the worst, he doesn´t help the students in WW nothing.
    Because of there are a lot of things working bad i think is very SP dificult to make a change because there are many problems in differents areas of the faculty tha you start thinking that is the solution changing the rector, the secretary of studies?? maybe another person arrives and i would be the same thing.
    I think is SP escencial to improve the dining place, because many people would eat better things. If sporting areas would be better more people would do sports and this is very good for avoid stress, forgot problems i think doing sports is necesary so these SPwoul be the real benefits of these improvements.
    Posted by Cata Vera at 6:57 PM 0 comments

    Cata, I think I have written this many times but you need more support to your iddeas..ok? use examples, more development.
    p.s. you got a 6
    Thursday, November 5, 2009

    I think there are a lot of differents things to do and places to visit in Santiago but one of the places i like more and i will recommend is the San Cristóbal Hill if you are a tourist and you like SP cicling you can rent a bike and go up to the top and enjoy the amazing view, in the way to the top you can found the japanese garden and the mapulemu garden in here you can found a lot of SP diferent plants and trees WF typicals of differents areas of Chile.
    At the top you can drink a delicious Mote con huesillo and you can buy some gifts or regards, also you can visit the church and the virgin. Another thing you can do if you don´t like cicling or walking you can take the teleferico anda enjoy of a beautiful view of Santiago, at the top you can take the funicular and go to the zoo that is another place you can visit in Santiago, in there you can find a lot of differents kinds of animals.
    Another place to visit is the Bellas Artes Museum because it has a beutiful infraestructure, it has a lot of history and in here you can see many interesting expositions.
    If you like the adventure you can spend your day in Cajon del Maipo in there you can go camping, do some excursions, rafting, horseback riding, i think in here you can find all you want and the flora and fauna is fascinating.
    Another typical place to visit is the central Mercado, it has a very old and beutiful infraestruture and in here you can found seafood and typical chilean food, so i think is a good place to visit.
    These are some of the places i think a tourist have to visit in Santiago.

    I love the mote con huesillos in the san cristobal!!
    p.s. you got a 6.5

  3. Posted by Cata Vera at 7:41 PM 0 comments
    Tuesday, October 20, 2009
    My favorite animal: The Goat

    I don´t really have a favorite animal so i´m going to choose a animal i like a lot, and it is the Goat.

    The Goat is an artidactyl and they are gregarious animals.

    I like it a lot because it is very friendly and funny, i like the noise it does, i think it is great because it gives you milk and you also can have cheese of goat.

    It is a quiet animal, easy to manage, it can be adapted to many environments since arid regions to warm regions.

    Last year i took an elective and i had to work with two littles goats every day, i had to weigh them to saw how was the diary growing, so i learned a lot of this animals, i realize that the goats are very scary because when i took them in my arms they "screamed" a lot, on the other hand if you get close to them with a bit of grass they come to you immediately and them let you caress, that is a thing i like a lot!
    A bad thing about goats is that they can cause soil damages with WW them foots.

    Another important thing about goats is that you can WF found a lot of WW races within this you can found angora goat this is a funny WW race because it has a lot of hair, is like a rastafari XD! and it is from Asia, depending on the race is the better or worse production of milk, a very good goat of milk is the saanen goat it is originary from swiss, it is white and some times it can have specks.

    So about of all this things i choose the Goat! i really think they are great animals!

    good! ididn't know they were so shy...
    p.s. you got a 6.3

    Posted by Cata Vera at 5:40 PM 0 comments
    Thursday, October 15, 2009

  4. Conservation
    I really don´t know what i´m going to do at the future, but one of the things i´m interested in is about conservation, i think all people have to ^ aware about what things can we do to take care of our world, so i pick a new about reefs under threat. Global warming is producing this, because carbon levels are increasing, acidity, pollution, algae,bleaching and el niño. I had read that a report from the Australian government says that " the overall outlook for the reef is poor and catastrophic damage to the ecosystem may not be adverted" I think this is worring because a reef includes a lot of differets species of animals and a plants and if this disappears the food chain would be greatdly affected.
    Charlie Veron, an Australian marine biologist says that there is no hope of reefs surviving and that if they go they will take with them like one-third of the world´s marine biodiversity. The coral provide the algae with the carbon dioxide they need for photosynthesis and so complete the circle of simbiotic life, so..what are going to do if them dissapear! I was reading too that because of the human impact like the polluted waters and overfishing is enough to wreck coral.

    I feel very bad about things like this because WF them are happening because of our fault, because people SVA doesn´t care about garbage, about recycling, saving energy and SP avoing further damaging our environment.

    we have to aware and make all people aware too!

    well done! be careful with some forms in the words...
    p.s. you got a 5.7
