Sunday, September 27, 2009


I think the eleven of September is the best date of the year because it has it all!
In this date you can eat a lot of delicious things like: roast lambs, anticuchos, choripanes, etc.
Also you can drink chicha if you like it, elevate kites and the thing i like most is dance cueca!!!
If you are lucky to have vacations you can go out of Santiago, and if you don´t have all the week you can stay here and go to the fondas to dance some cuecas and drink and eat good!
This is the best celebration you can spend time with the family and with your friends; you can buy a kite and go somewhere to elevate it and have a lot of fun doing this.
Anothe thing you can do is that if you are near Coquimbo you can go to the pampilla celebration where people come from all over. In there you can find a lot of things like typical games (sack races, hopscotch,etc.), typical food, live music and all people happy having fun!

So for me this date is very important because units people and because is typcal of Chile, you can´t find this things in other places, so we must be proud of this date and we must enjoy it!


  1. I think the WF eleven of September is the best date of the year because it has it all!
    In this date you can eat a lot of delicious things like: roast lambs, anticuchos, choripanes, etc.
    Also you can drink chicha if you like it, elevate kites and the thing i like most is dance cueca!!!
    If you are lucky to have vacations you can go out of Santiago, and if you don´t have all the week you can stay here and go to the fondas to dance some cuecas and drink and eat good!
    This is the best celebration you can spend time with the family and with your friends; you can buy a kite and go somewhere to elevate it and have a lot of fun doing this.
    SP Anothe thing you can do is that if you are near Coquimbo you can go to the pampilla celebration where people come from all over. In there you can find a lot of things like typical games (sack races, hopscotch,etc.), typical food, live music and all people happy having fun!

    So for me this date is very important because units people and because is typcal of Chile, you can´t find this things in other places, so we must be proud of this date and we must enjoy it!

    well done! good vocabulary as well. Now try to explain a bit more some things or develop them a bit more.


    p.s. you got a 6

  2. I think September eleventh is the best date of the year because it has it all!
    In this date you can eat a lot of delicious things like: roast lambs, anticuchos, choripanes, etc.
    Also you can drink chicha if you like it, elevate kites and the thing i like most is dance cueca!!!
    If you are lucky to have vacations you can go out of Santiago, and if you don´t have all the week you can stay here and go to the fondas to dance some cuecas and drink and eat good!
    This is the best celebration you can spend time with the family and with your friends; you can buy a kite and go somewhere to elevate it and have a lot of fun doing this. Another thing you can do is that if you are near Coquimbo you can go to the pampilla celebration where people come from all over. In there you can find a lot of things like typical games (sack races, hopscotch,etc.), typical food, live music and all people happy having fun!

    So for me this date is very important because units people and because is typcal of Chile, you can´t find this things in other places, so we must be proud of this date and we must enjoy it!
