Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The first term was very good, because i approve all my asignatures, and i studied a lot for all my tests and i learned many things.
One of my assignatures during the term was animal behavior, i liked a lot because was about all things that animal do in their environment, like how they interact, reproduce, how “mothers” rais their calves and a lot of more things very interesting.
Another course i took was animal welfare, this was a elective and i liked a lot because it was about all cares that animals need and sometime people don’t worry about these. It was nice because we went to the zoo, and we take a look about how was the situation of animals in there, also a veterinary of the department of enviromental enrichement at the zoo gave us a talk and we learnd a lot.
During the last term i practice football at university, i loved it, the trainings were twice a week and we had games all Saturdays morning, because we are competing in a championchip. These year we have a new coach and he is very nice and motivator and because of that the team is doing better these year.
Another thing i did a lot was cicling, once a week i bike up the San Cristóbal hill with a friend, it was very funny, and we took some pictures and make videos. Cicling is one of the things i like more to do.
These are some of the things i did at the last term; in cloncusion it was a very nice first term, i enjoy it a lot.